Return ID of last inserted row from a Stored Procedure | SQL Server
— SQL Server — 1 min read
In this tutorial, we'll learn two ways of returning the ID of an inserted row from within a stored procedure using SCOPE_IDENTITY()
Method 1: Using an OUTPUT parameter
You can specify an output parameter in the stored procedure using the OUT keyword and then assign the value of SCOPE_IDENTITY()
to this variable after the row has been inserted.
CREATE PROC usp_InsertMyTable @o_insertedRowId INT OUTASBEGIN INSERT INTO MyTable( [name] ) VALUES( 'Saurabh' );
SET @o_insertedRowId = SCOPE_IDENTITY();END
Please note that some server-side languages may not support output parameters.
Method 2: Returning the ID as a result set
You can return the value of the SCOPE_IDENTITY()
as a result set using a SELECT
clause after the row has been inserted. This is a generic solution and works with all server-side languages.
CREATE PROC usp_InsertMyTableASBEGIN INSERT INTO MyTable( [name] ) VALUES( 'Saurabh' );
Hope this helps!🙏